About Spiritual Healing with Infinite Light

Goal of Spiritual Healing


The goal of our work is to make spiritual healing simple and accessible. To allow everyone to learn these easy tools of light work which lead to:

  • Expanding awareness
  • Healing the physical body
  • Healing the emotional self and releasing suffering
  • Healing others
  • Learning to be free of negativity and negative people
  • Healing past lives
  • Perceiving and learning to use divine guidance
  • Understanding and living our highest personal destiny
Guide to Spiritual Healing
Sunlight Healing

Healing through energy has been around for thousands of years, in every culture in the world. Ancient Hawaiian kahunas used the concept of mana, life force energy, to heal themselves and the land. Chinese medicine uses the idea of chi, or life force energy, to heal the physical body. Yoga expounds the value of reaching vibrant health and longevity through caring for your pranic energy, your life force energy, and teaches poses which unblock chakras and increase your pranic energy.

The highest level of energy healing comes from connecting to the highest frequency – the highest vibration – and that is light. The image of light, the experience of light, transmits the highest frequency. It is capable of the most complete healing, the most complete empowerment, and it will protect you completely.

As we learn to connect to the light, bring light into our lives, and hold light for others, we initiate a massive healing grid where we are healed, physically and emotionally, and the people around us are healed as well.

That light grid can expand to create healing of our communities, our countries, our planet – to bring everything to the highest frequency of life.

How Light Frequency Heals


Light energy heals simply by being present and active within a person, environment, or space. The light frequency is pure, and requires no managing or manipulation. It operates in perfection and transmutes all that it comes into contact with into that perfection. All that’s truly required is to make the connection to this light, and be open to it.

So the question becomes, “How do you connect with this light that heals, and let it in?” This is the focus of all of our teaching, spiritual events, podcasts, meditations, and private sessions. To help you to establish a strong connection to the light, to heal yourself, let go of all negativity and create your highest fulfillment.



Light body
Energy Healing with Light


Light only works in the present moment, and operates best when the mind is quiet, and the person is in an open state of consciousness. Working with light begins with establishing a strong connection to the energy, and then letting the consciousness, and qualities of the light lead the way,

Our work focuses on helping people establish that strong connection to the light, and then teaching them the skills to be open to receive the healing they need, and understand the gifts that the light brings through them. 


Healing with hands
Healing Emotional Trauma
Clearing emotions

An essential teaching that is really lacking in our current educational system is how to become aware of emotional charges within ourselves and others, and how to safely release these emotions, and heal the thoughts, memories, and perceptions associated with these emotions. Most people go through life trying to have a “good feeling” and trying to avoid “bad feelings.”

Over time, unexpressed thoughts and emotions build up, and then we don’t feel good, and find ourselves not knowing what happened to us, or how to “fix” it. As we start to release the energy of past, repressed emotional traumas, we start to feel lighter, our minds naturally quiet down. We start to automatically live more in the present moment, which is where you are naturally connected to light, spontaneous right thoughts, and joy. 

In our events and classes we teach simple, effective methods on how to clear old stuck emotions safely. Our methods not only clear the emotions, but heal the thoughts, perceptions, and memories associated with the emotional traumas.

Healing The Chakras


The chakras are energetic spirals of energy in our body, whirling in unison. “Chakra” means wheel in Sanskrit. Our physical body generates electromagnetic energy, which creates an electromagnetic field around us. When our chakras are closed down, our electro-magnetic body doesn’t generate very much energy, and there is little circulation of energy between the chakras.

Fear closes down chakras like ice freezes a stream. Deep feelings of fear, guilt, shame, grief or anger can freeze these emotions into the electromagnetic field of the chakras. The bigger the trauma, the larger the block. The block always occurs in the chakra relevant to the trauma; for example, a sexual assault will lodge in your sexual chakra…a parent calling you stupid all your life will affect your mind, your third eye chakra.


Healing with Light

We understand this on an instinctive level all the time. You’ve noticed how when you get run down, a certain weak point in your body always flares up? Some people are prone to stomach problems; some people always get a hacking cough or a sore throat. Even weight issues are connected to chakras; someone may have heavy thighs but slim arms, or a big stomach but a thin torso. The body mirrors the chakras that are blocked.

Spiritual healing removes the blocks and releases the fear so that the ice can melt. Once the life force, or chi, starts moving through the chakras unimpeded, the life force itself will heal the physical body and start to heal any behavior dysfunction. 

Because this works on the electromagnetic field of your body, the results are physical, and many people can feel a warmth or tingling in the different chakras as they are being worked on. Sometimes they feel very light, as if a weight had been taken off. 

When the chakras start to open up, our electromagnetic field starts generating more energy at a higher frequency. We may not know this, but we feel it – we literally feel more energy every day, our minds are clearer, we sleep better.


Healing chakras with light
Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing

When we are born into this world, we think we are separate and that our qualities, thoughts, emotions, and perceptions are ours alone, and part of our identity. We rarely think,where did we get them? How did we “learn” them”. Where do they come from? But we are born through a blood line that already exists. In this blood line there are family traits, emotional energy, perceptions, and karma from our family and lineage, that may not be cleared or healed. We are born into a life that really is already in process, and will continue to unfold throughout our time on earth. 

Ancestral Healing is one of the most powerful healing modalities to help one heal from all past karma, as well as heal all family members, relationships, and lineage, throughout all time, throughout all lives.

When one experiences Ancestral Healing, it not only has a tremendously positive effect on personal relationships and families, but it also heals multiple generations at the same time. 


We have heard very profound testimonials from members of our weekend workshops that have been through Ancestral Healing ceremonies. The healing and clearing of negative energy seems to be accelerated to create a much faster transformation and healing. 

Healing Past Lives

If we consider the possibility of past lives, being on the earth before, having experiences we are now unaware of, but which have shaped us as people…we open the door to a much deeper level of psychological and physical healing.

Clearing the chakras in our physical body involves re-living and releasing the traumatic emotions, hurts and wounds that we have experienced in our life. We have carried them around and they must be fully released for us to experience deep clarity and emotional well being.

Part of those unconscious blocks can come from trauma experienced in past lives.

It is exciting and provocative to see glimpses of past lives in meditation, hypnosis or past life therapy. To get to experience a sense of recognition in a foreign place, to wonder if an intense relationship has occurred before…

It is taking it another step to realize that the past life can be healed, and when it is healed, our own life here in the present is healed as well, in ways we could never even imagine.

Healing the past life involves perceiving it, first of all. The techniques of this light work practice enable one to directly see and experience a past life.

The next step after perceiving it, is to direct light to it and heal it. You can do it for yourself, and you can do it for another person you are healing in light.

Spiritual Healing Hands


Here are just a few examples of healings I have seen:

Debby experienced anxiety and crippling depression and was on antidepressants. At age 18, she could barely get through a day. When she saw a past life in class where she was trapped in a burning building and died, she experienced healing. About a week later her anxiety had completely lifted and she never took antidepressants again.

Jane had never slept through the night, she had terrible insomnia. She found a past life where she had been a servant in Ireland in the 19th century. In that life she had to be on call for the family all night and was not able to sleep. When she healed that life, she slowly came to a full eight hours sleep every night.

Cliff had such extreme back pain he was on permanent disability at age 35. He re-experienced a past lifetime where he fell on the street and a cart horse ran over him. After he released this past life, his back healed and he returned to work – in construction – and he never experienced that pain again.

These are just some of the countless experiences of students whose lives have been changed by re-experiencing and healing their past lives. This work can also be done by a light work practitioner for the client, and the past life can be released through the healing.

Spiritual Healing for Relationships
Healing relationships with light

When a relationship is important, we need to be able to function in it with boundaries, to feel heard, seen and loved.

Sometimes our emotional triggers from the past are so intense that it is hard to maintain boundaries. It can be hard to see if we have been intentionally hurt, or if we have put an old memory onto a new person in our life, and misinterpreted them. It can be that we are so triggered we can’t relax and accept love – from all the relationships in our life – partner, parent, child, friend, business associate.

Opening the heart in a safe way to the people in our life is essential.

This light work allows us to remove our emotional blocks and triggers. It clears our perceptions so we can identify who in our life is positive, and who is negative. Light helps us cut cords in negative relationships so we are not drained or taken advantage of. It helps lift negative emotions off present relationships and allow a more positive filter.With a relationship where we honestly don’t know if the challenges are helping us grow, or holding us back, we can find clarity and answers.

This technique of light work is important because it gives us tools to:

– let go of negative relationships

– let go of destructive triggers

– maintain healthy boundaries

– release patterns of feeling abandoned, betrayed or unloveable

– recognize and open up to unconditional love

These light work tools are ongoing, we learn to maintain them, and get better and better at creating a universe of love and support for our life.

Spiritual Healing Classes


Our approach starts by creating and holding a connection to the light that heals, transforms, and raises the frequency of those who are open to it

From that connection comes our classes, events, and one on one work with individuals

Our Services

Spiritual Classes

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Spiritual Retreats

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Private sessions

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Get To Know Us Better

Abbi O'Neill Medical Intuitive

Abbi o'neill

Abbi was born on a farm in Indiana.  She grew up in the Quaker church. After getting a degree at Columbia University and traveling in Europe, she came to Los Angeles for a career in film. But when her mother was dying of ovarian cancer, she had a break-through experience and began channeling. Her kundalini yoga practice helped her see energetic blocks in chakras, and she began doing channeled readings specifically oriented to dissolving chakra blocks. 

Since 2009 Abbi has done over 10,000 sessions as a medical intuitive. Her work is designed to restore the flow of energy in the chakras to help heal illness and deeply entrenched behavioral problems. 

She has taught classes and workshops in energy healing for over 10 years all over the United States, in Canada and Europe.

Jim McCarthy spiritual teaching


Jim has spent most of his adult life as a student of mysticism. He has developed a teaching that focuses on physical and mental healing that comes from energy and light. He teaches the power of positive choice that each soul has the right to make, along with releasing old negative patterns from family and relationships which inhibit growth and prosperity.

He has held a Sacred Room class for over ten years which concentrates a high frequency energy that heals and brings spiritual gifts and enlightened perception. 

He teaches students how to work with light and energy, how to let the light work through them, to help them become an instrument of a higher consciousness that aligns them with their true purpose, and discover what they truly came to earth to do.



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