About Jim

Jim McCarthy

I was born and raised in Southern California. As a child I was always curious about life, about how things worked, and specifically how extraordinary people created the results they were producing. 

I was very interested in how the mind worked and how we created our lives. When I was in my early 20’s I decided to study hypnosis, and how it worked to produce results that were nearly impossible or seemed miraculous to most people. 

I spent about 5 years studying with a hypnotist who was one of the best living at the time. He was curing cancer and healing all kinds of physical and emotional conditions with his methods of hypnosis. I was very interested in how he was producing these results, and how these healings were possible.

At that time in my life, I opened a business, a bulletproof security company in my garage with about $500 to my name. Over the next 15 years I grew that business to a $15 million a year company, and it was one of the top bulletproof companies in America. 



However, as life seems to continuously bring me new lessons for growth, at about 5 years into my business life, I had a relapse of Epstein-Barr virus, commonly known as mononucleosis, and that forced me to take my focus off of business and again go back to researching healing modalities. 

Obviously the first thing I tried was hypnosis, with the help of my previous teacher. In this case, that failed to work, so I went on searching everything from modern medicine to naturopaths, and got some results, but not a full bill of health. Then I went to a modern day mystic named Ron Roth, and watched him perform extraordinary miracles using Light or as he called it, the Holy Spirit. 

I was amazed by this, and asked Ron Roth for methods to learn this type of healing. I went on to study mysticism and the principles of energy healing for the next 5 years, traveling around the world to be with the most well known healers and most advanced practitioners I could find. 

I was still at this time running my company. I learned how to hold light energy for groups, and started a Sacred Room class at my company for those who wanted to attend. Now after more than 20 years on this path, I teach spiritual principles for healing and clearing negative energy. I also hold light for groups in our spiritual events, and work with clients one on one.



In my experience as a spiritual teacher, I came to realize that it is the connection to light that is the healing consciousness, and that consciousness could heal anything it chooses to heal without limitation. I also realized that by connecting to that light, each person received guidance for their current life situation. I think the main thing I learned from that experience was, all I had to do was to learn how to connect to light, and be open to receive from it. 

A new focus for me is to combine my business knowledge, and experience with working with light, to bring a new consciousness to corporations. My inspiration is to create a new generation of business and industry leaders that put the communal good first, to show how business can align with light and create with light. I think this spiritual anchor in modern business will actually increase profits, increase value to the community, and co-create if you will to new levels of technology and innovation. 

Throughout my life and my life’s lessons, I learned to develop spiritual gifts. It is the same for business. Heightened consciousness brings greater gifts and greater communal prosperity. Light consciousness in business would have all the resources of light working in the marketplace, to heal ourselves, our work relationships, and bring light to the world.

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