Spiritual Healing Classes

About our Spiritual Healing classes

We teach spiritual healing classes on how to connect to the light, how to increase the light for your own physical energy and healing, and then how to direct the light. 

We can direct light to others to facilitate their physical healing, to heal relationships, to heal conflicts. We direct light to connect with spiritual guidance. We direct light to the future, to start manifesting what you truly desire in your life. 

We also offer free monthly video classes on Zoom, the second Sunday of each month, where we teach different ways to consciously connect with light, along with guided meditations, and energy exercises. We will normally focus each class on one or two spiritual lessons. 

Up Coming Live Classes

Healing your relationships

Healing your Relationships – Orange County, CA 

Sunday March 24th, 1pm to 3:30pm
Heartspace OC
24351 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods, CA 92637

When a relationship is important to us, we need to be able to function in it with boundaries, to feel heard, seen and loved.

Sometimes our emotional triggers from the past are so intense that it is hard to maintain boundaries. It can be hard to see if we have been intentionally hurt, or if we have put an old memory onto a new person in our life, and misinterpreted them. It can be that we are so triggered we can’t relax and accept love – from all the relationships in our life – partner, parent, child, friend, business associate.

Opening the heart in a safe way to the people in our life is essential. This light work allows us to remove our emotional blocks and triggers. It clears our perceptions so we can identify who in our life is positive, and who is negative. Light helps us cut cords in negative relationships so we are not drained or taken advantage of. It helps lift negative emotions off present relationships and allow a more positive filter.With a relationship where we honestly don’t know if the challenges are helping us grow, or holding us back, we can find clarity and answers.

This technique of light work is important because it gives us tools to:

  • Create foundations of healthy and successful relationships
  • Heal yourself through your relationships
  • Heal your relationships using light
  • Recognize patterns that cause suffering in relationships, and learn to choose to avoid patterns that are causing you pain
  • Experience more unconditional love in your relationships
  • Choose consciously to create love and joy
  • Maintain healthy boundaries
  • Let go of negative relationships
  • Release patterns of feeling abandoned, betrayed, or unlovable   

Come by yourself or bring your partner. This class will bring into your awareness many principles to heal and improve your relationships with your family, partners, friends, and spouses.

Cost is $40.00 per person

Seats are limited so please register in advance 

To register, please click on the button below.

Healing your Relationships – Palm Desert CA

Sunday March 17th, 5pm to 7:30pm
The Healing Collective
73773 Fred Waring Dr # 208
Palm Desert, CA 

When a relationship is important to us, we need to be able to function in it with boundaries, to feel heard, seen and loved.

Sometimes our emotional triggers from the past are so intense that it is hard to maintain boundaries. It can be hard to see if we have been intentionally hurt, or if we have put an old memory onto a new person in our life, and misinterpreted them. It can be that we are so triggered we can’t relax and accept love – from all the relationships in our life – partner, parent, child, friend, business associate.

Opening the heart in a safe way to the people in our life is essential. This light work allows us to remove our emotional blocks and triggers. It clears our perceptions so we can identify who in our life is positive, and who is negative. Light helps us cut cords in negative relationships so we are not drained or taken advantage of. It helps lift negative emotions off present relationships and allow a more positive filter.With a relationship where we honestly don’t know if the challenges are helping us grow, or holding us back, we can find clarity and answers.

This technique of light work is important because it gives us tools to:

  • Create foundations of healthy and successful relationships
  • Heal yourself through your relationships
  • Heal your relationships using light
  • Recognize patterns that cause suffering in relationships, and learn to choose to avoid patterns that are causing you pain
  • Experience more unconditional love in your relationships
  • Choose consciously to create love and joy
  • Maintain healthy boundaries
  • Let go of negative relationships
  • Release patterns of feeling abandoned, betrayed, or unlovable   

Come by yourself or bring your partner. This class will bring into your awareness many principles to heal and improve your relationships with your family, partners, friends, and spouses.

Cost is $40.00 per person

Seats are limited so please register in advance 

To register, please click on the button below.

Unconscious vs Conscious Manifestation

February 17th, 2024 2pm to 4:30pm – At Heartspace – OC

Unconscious vs Conscious Manifestation 

February 17th, 2pm to 4:30pm (Heartspace OC) 24351 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods, CA

We may not realize it, but we are creators. We create every minute of our day. This knowledge isn’t here to make us feel like we are screwing it up – it’s to get conscious of what we are manifesting, and why. 

Often we manifest old wounds and conflicts until they are resolved or healed. Often our child self continues to manifest conditions where they feel safe. 

Once these deep unconscious thought patterns are removed, we are free to create the life we have always dreamed of. 

Join Jim McCarthy and Abbi O’Neill for a two and a half hour class which will guide you through exercises and spiritual prayers to become conscious of what we are manifesting, and to turn over the controls to our highest Self for our highest self realization. 


  We will facilitate energy exercises and guided meditations to help you in:

  • Becoming aware of your current state of consciousness 
  • Learn to clear thoughts, memories, beliefs, and emotions that are creating negative experiences.
  • Learn to consciously connect to your highest Self.
  • Learn to manifest from Divine inspiration.
  • Learn how to tap into your highest self to create.

This class will include guided meditations and energy exercises for personal healing and transformation.

The date and location will be announced shortly.

To register please click the button below.

The Essence of Spiritual Healing

Date To Be Determined – At Heartspace – OC

The Essence of Spiritual Healing  

Date TBD (Heartspace OC) 24351 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods, CA

Spiritual Healing is a process of using directed light from an infinite consciousness source to heal. It affects and clears the chakras so that physical problems, mental problems, and emotional problems can be cleared simultaneously.  It is tapping into a deep life force and learning to use that energy for your own benefit and for others.

In this class, we will do exercises to feel the life force, or chi, in the body, then learn to increase the flow of chi, then to direct it. Just like acupuncture, we can flow chi through the meridians of the body to create renewed health. As the light energy flows, it automatically starts manifesting positive events in your life as you learn to use it. These techniques will allow you to open up to all your psychic abilities and realize your own most genuine self.

  • How to connect to the Spiritual Consciousness that heals, and allow it to start healing you 
  • How to send this light to others, and to your relationships
  • How to let go of the negativity in our life.
  • Learn to identify and clear blocks of life force or chi energy
  • How to connect to the light to listen to spiritual guidance and wisdom
  • Learn important Spiritual Healing Principles to facilitate healing and transformation.

This class will include guided meditations and energy exercises for personal healing and transformation.

The date and location will be announced shortly.

To register please click the button below.

Ancestral Healing

Healing relationships with light


Ancestral Healing  

 At Heartspace OC 24351 Moulton Pkwy, Laguna Woods, CA

Date TBD 

In this class, we teach one of the most powerful healing modalities that exists. Ancestral Healing heals our own family patterns, bringing in multiple generations, all our relationships, simultaneously. It is effective at clearing karma, and the effects of negative thoughts, words, and deeds, more rapidly than most healing modalities.


   You will learn:

  • How thoughts, words, perceptions, and deeds are passed from one generation, and one life time, to the next.
  • How you are born into a pre-existing consciousness, with pre-existing beliefs, and energetic imprints, which operate in your life, until they are cleared.
  • How to use light and different healing modalities to clear these pre-existing imprints from your mind and your energy field.
  • How Ancestral Healing modalities simultaneously heal your parents, your children, and your relationships. 
  • How to use prayers to heal and transform family members, and intimate relationships.

This class will give you an understanding of how we create, and how to uncreate that which causes us to suffer or live in limitation. It will give you the skills to start healing all your relationships, both in your family, and in your life. We will also be facilitating a powerful Ancestral Healing ceremony to heal those who attend this class, as well as their family members and lineage.

To register for this class, please click the button below 

Free Live Zoom Classes

Free Live Zoom Classes

New Classes to be announced each month

Join us for free live Zoom classes. Each class is approximately 2 1/2 hours long and includes guided meditations to help you to connect to light, and learn how to heal yourself and others through your connection to light or source energy. Topics include lessons on how to work with the light to improve the quality of your life, your health, and your relationships.

To receive invitations to these free zoom classes, or to learn about our other classes, and spiritual retreats, 

Please click the button below to be added to our mailing list.

Below are some full length recordings of some of our past free Zoom classes. To watch them, just click on the class and enjoy. Each class will include some guided meditations.

If you want to watch these on You Tube, just click on the You Tube symbol on the right hand bottom corner of the video once it starts playing.

If you want to receive information regarding future free Zoom classes, please click the button above to register for them. We hope to see you at some of our new Zoom classes or at live classes or events. 

Recordings of Past Zoom Classes

Strengthen your connection to The light within You

Connecting to Your Truth & Infinite Wisdom

The Importance Of Letting Go May 2024

Client Testimonials

Abbi O'Neill Medical Intuitive

Abbi O'Neill

Abbi O’Neill has been a practicing medical intuitive for 14 years. Her energy work dissolves emotional blocks which have been created from trauma and negative experiences, in the present life or even in a past life.  Her work is designed to restore the flow of energy in the chakras to heal illness, chronic physical conditions, and behavioral patterns or problems. Her classes are an easy approach to connect to the right brain and create health and prosperity with a strong flow of chi, or life force energy.

JIm McCarthy Spiritual Teacher

Jim McCarthy

Jim McCarthy has taught his Sacred Room class for over 15 years, holding high frequency light energy for personal healing and transformation. He assists in clearing negative energy and removing the mental and energetic patterns that cause it. His Ancestral Healing class dissolves lifelong family patterns of dysfunction. He uses advanced light frequency to heal and transform individual lives, as well as to transform businesses and corporations.


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